Recoat – Bonding Agent

  • Improves adhesion on various substrates 
  • Specially developed as final pre-treatment for Recoat coating

Metal, mineral and ceramic surfaces require preparation before applying a high-quality coating system.

Recoat Bonding Agent is an adhesion enhancer for various substrates. It increases the bonding surface of the substrate.

Application area

Recoat Bonding Agent is ideally suited to improve adhesion on steel, stainless steel, aluminium, zinc, galvanised and mineral substrates and ceramics.

Dilute Recoat Bonding Agent standard 1:1 with water. Apply Recoat Bonding Agent evenly over the surface with a cleaning mop and then allow to dry.

Additional information




Water-based adhesion promoter



Mix ratio

1 : 1


Approx. 15 m2 – 20 m2 / liter

Gloss strength


Application by means of

Mop, Sponge

VOC content

0 g/L This product is suitable for indoor and outdoor use.

Approximate specific density

0,97 KG/l


Wear gloves and ensure sufficient ventilation

Cleaning materials



Temperature during storage, transport and application minimum 5° C and maximum 30°C at a relative humidity of Maximum 85%

Storage stability

Unopened a maximum of two years in case of dry, cool and frost-free storage.